The Titanic. The tragic story of a cruise ship and an iceberg, undoubtedly the most famous maritime disaster of all time. Numerous documentaries and films have been made about this fateful story. Just 160 minutes after the fateful collision on April 14, 1912, the ship sank and dragged over 1,500 people into an icy, watery grave. This coin series is dedicated to the Titanic and its tragic story.
The motif side shows the full-coloured ship at full speed in ultra-high relief, while the face value side tells the story. The route across the Atlantic is visible, as is the spot where the tragedy occurred. In addition, two different perspectives offer views of the deck and cabin structure as well as the interior of the Titanic to illustrate why so many people were trapped inside the ship when it sank.
Since only a few artifacts were recovered from the Titanic, including a real lump of coal that was raised in 2000, this coin is a special relic of this historic event.
The coin, made of 0.5g fine gold, is manufactured in the highest quality (proof plate) and is strictly limited to only 5,000 pieces. It is delivered with a certificate of authenticity.