Leipziger Edelmetallverarbeitung Kupferbarren Schloss Güldengossa - 10 oz .9999 gegossen

SKU: MG12093

24,90 €

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The 10 oz copper bar from the Schloss Güldengossa edition is a unique product from Geiger Edelmetalle .

In addition to the classic investment metals, copper is becoming increasingly interesting. The advantageous aspect of copper in contrast to gold is the actual consumption of the metal. The demand for copper is constantly increasing worldwide. This is due, for example, to the fact that more and more copper cables are being used. Copper is also used in modern technologies such as electric and hybrid vehicles. The ever-increasing demand and the growing costs of mining the metal clearly show that copper has great potential as an investment metal. Therefore, we are one of the first dealers in Germany to offer you copper in practical bar form for investment purposes.

The bars have a fineness of 999.9/1000 and are individually welded to protect against tarnishing.

Bandelements Approx. 66.5 x 38 x 16 mm

Diameter Ca. 66,5 x 38 x 16 mm

Precious Metal Kupfer